Applications to join the New Zealand Biosecurity Institute is open to those working or are involved in the field of biosecurity and/or environmental management. Annual membership fees are only NZ$60.00 incl GST per year. The membership is based on calendar years with renewals processed in January each year.
Please note that NZBI has a varibale membership fee policy for new applications or renewals. For applications between 1 January and 30 June each year, the full membership fee is payable. For applications between 1 July and 31 December, a 50% reduction is applied and NZ$30.00 incl GST is payable.
Additionally, to encourage both emerging members to enter the NZBI network, and also the valuable contribution those retiring from working life can still provide, a 50% reduction also applies to student members (student ID required) and retired members (Membership Officer discretion) respectively.
By joining, you will receive discounted fees for the annual National Education and Training Seminar (NETS), and receive the NZBI quarterly Protect publication. You will also have access to the Members area of the website including the members forum, useful resources, NETS abstracts and back issues of the Protect magazine. Most useful of all, you will have joined a society of people with a wealth of knowledge and a passion for the protection of the New Zealand environment.
New members attending NETS are provided with a ‘buddy’ to help get to know the NZBI and its members. We want to make you feel at home and quickly and easily connect with people who have the same fields of interest.
New members
If you are a first time or returning member, you can apply for membership with our online membership form. If you have any issues with the form, please contact the Membership Officer (details below) and they can assist with your application. Once processed, you will be notified of which Branch you have been tagged to. For Branch contact details, see here.
Membership renewal
Each year, current members will be issued with a Membership renewal invoice. Payment within 4 months of the invoice being issued, renews your membership. Non-payment will result in your membership being archived. For all other membership enquiries, contact the NZBI Membership Officer.
The contact details for the Membership Officer are:
NZBI Membership Officer
Briar Cook
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