NZBI executive members
- Rowan Sprague – Acting President/Vice-President
- Alice McNatty – Immediate Past President
- Duncan MacMorran – Treasurer
- Diane Fraser – Secretary
- Nick Ward – Auckland / Northland
- Shane Hona – Central North Island
- Mark McAlpine – Lower North Island
- Briar Cook – Top of the South, Membership Officer
- Brad Chandler – Canterbury / West Coast
- Raoul Thomas – Otago / Southland
- John Sanson – Biosecurity New Zealand representative (co-opted to Exec)
- Chris Macann – Attends as Protect Magazine Editor & Communications
Rowan Sprague – Acting President/Vice-President
Organisation: Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Job Title:
Time in the job:
What motivates you to be involved in biosecurity?
What has been your career path to your current position?
What makes up a normal day for you?
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
Alice McNatty – Immediate Past President
Name: Alice McNatty
Organisation: Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Job Title: Senior Biosecurity Advisor
Time in the job: 10 years
What motivates you to be involved in biosecurity?
I have the opportunity to make a real difference, conserving and improving our natural environments. Being involved in such broad and varied work with fantastic people is motivating for me.
What has been your career path to your current position?
Since a very young age, I have had a passion and great interest in the environment and natural world.
I completed a Bachelor of Science majoring in Ecology and Marine Biology at Victoria University, and then went on to complete a Master of Science majoring in Ecology. My thesis for my Masters degree assessed the effects of the invasive Yellow crazy ant on the native terrestrial hermit crabs of Tokelau.
After completing my degrees, I worked for the Department of Conservation in Wellington and Tasman District Council. I then moved back to my home region of Hawke’s Bay to work for the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.
What makes up a normal day for you?
I have three main parts to my job: managing the Council’s marine biosecurity programme, advising on pest plants and working with the Ecosystem Prioritisation programme to protect forest remnants in our region.
My work is extremely varied and also changes significantly throughout the year. I may be working in the Inner Harbour carrying out inspections of vessels checking for marine pests, out on a farm carrying out surveillance for pest plants, or in a native forest remnant assessing how we can best protect it from the impacts of invasive species.
I have also thoroughly enjoyed working on national responses – the Velvetleaf response in Southland, and the Myrtle Rust response in Taranaki and Bay of Plenty – biosecurity responses like these emphasise to me the importance of having a network of people across the country which are ready and capable to respond immediately.
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
The variation within my job, working outdoors and being part of an enthusiastic and broad network of people throughout New Zealand.
Duncan MacMorran – Treasurer
Name: Duncan MacMorran
Organisation: Connovation Ltd
Job Title:
Time in the job:
What motivates you to be involved in biosecurity?
What has been your career path to your current position?
What makes up a normal day for you?
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
Diane Fraser – Secretary

Name: Diane Fraser
Organisation: UNITEC
Job Title: Senior Lecturer
Time in the job: 23 years
What motivates you to be involved in biosecurity?
Despite being Scottish by birth, I moved to New Zealand over thirty years ago and fell in love with this incredible country. Having a background in agriculture and a passion for New Zealand’s unique and beautiful environment, it seems only nature to want to protect the physical and social fabric of this land from the impact of invasive pests and diseases.
What has been your career path to your current position?
I studied an Honours degree, Bachelor of Science, specialising in Animal Science at Aberdeen University in the cold north of Scotland. After completion of a research Summer Studentship in piglet nutrition at the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen I undertook and completed a PhD in protein nutrition of lactating dairy cows at the institute. I was then extremely lucky to be offered a two year Post-doctoral fellowship in the Animal Science Department at Lincoln University. The project included field studies of the protein requirement of lambs consuming pasture. After the completion of the fellowship and having got married, I moved to Rotorua and worked at Bay of Plenty Polytechnic implementing a certificate programme in Applied Animal Technology. In 1993 I moved, with my husband, to Molokai in Hawaii where he was Operations Director for Molokai Ranch and I ran the private Wildlife Park. In 1996 we moved back to New Zealand the following year I was employed by Unitec to write NZQA approved programme documents. Since then I have had a range of positions including teaching in animal husbandry, breeding and nutrition, captive wild animal husbandry and environmental risk and biosecurity, academic leader of programmes such as the Diploma in Veterinary Nursing and the Bachelor of Applied Technology. In addition, I am active in applied research in the biosecurity and conservation fields. I have been very lucky to be encourages by Mel Galbraith, Unitec, to study a Post Graduate Diploma in Biosecurity and Conservation at Auckland University with Drs Margaret Stanley and Imogen Bassett. This allowed me to expand my knowledge into the biosecurity field, which has definitely become my passion. Being employed by Unitec has had its ups and downs but my position within the organisation has continuously evolved creating ongoing challenges.
What makes up a normal day for you?
As I only work part-time, there is a lot to squeeze into my three days a week. My schedule may include teaching students in either our on-site degree programme or our zoo keeping students who study in a system of blended learning. With Covid-19, there has been significant pressure to move all teaching, including block course to on-line learning. Although this has meant a lot of work it has provided opportunities for development personally and potential programme opportunities. Research is a significant part of my workload, particularly the development of industry/student research projects. These provide students to study real life problems and, hopefully, find some answers to industry questions. I am very grateful for the support that has been given to my students by industry and NZBI.
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
I love the applied nature of the learning in our programmes, particularly in collaboration with industry, whether this be field trips or student research projects. Our aim is produce job-ready students with a range of skills, which I hope we achieve. My grandfather was a school principle, so I guess I have inherited his passion for learning and the education of others. There is nothing better than watching a young person find their passion and blossom both within their study/career pathway as well as personally.
Nick Ward – Auckland / Northland
Organisation: Ministry for Primary Industries
Job title:
Time in the job:
What motivates you to be involved in biosecurity?
What has been your career path to your current position?
What makes up a normal day for you?
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
Shane Hona – Central North Island
Job Title:
Time in the job:
What motivates you to be involved in biosecurity?
What has been your career path to your current position?
What makes up a normal day for you?
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
Mark McAlpine – Lower North Island
Organisation: Greater Wellington Regional Council
Job title: Team Leader Biosecurity – Pest Plants
Time in the job:
What motivates you to be involved in biosecurity?
What has been your career path to your current position?
What makes up a normal day for you?
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
Briar Cook – Top of the South, Membership Officer
Organisation: Tasman District Council
Job title: Biosecurity Officer
Time in the job:
What motivates you to be involved in biosecurity?
What has been your career path to your current position?
What makes up a normal day for you?
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
Brad Chandler – Canterbury / West Coast
Name: Brad Chandler
Organisation: Department of Conservation
Job Title:
Time in the job:
What motivates you to be involved in biosecurity?
What has been your career path to your current position?
What makes up a normal day for you?
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
Raoul Thomas – Otago / Southland
Name: Raoul Thomas
Organisation: Environment Southland (Southland Regional Council)
Job Title:
Time in the job:
What motivates you to be involved in biosecurity?
What has been your career path to your current position?
What makes up a normal day for you?
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
John Sanson – Biosecurity New Zealand representative (co-opted to Exec)
Name: John Sanson
Organisation: Biosecurity New Zealand | Ministry for Primary Industries
Job Title:
Time in the job:
What motivates you to be involved in biosecurity?
What has been your career path to your current position?
What makes up a normal day for you?
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
Chris Macann – Attends as Protect Magazine Editor & Communications
Name: Chris Macann
Job Title:
Time in the job:
What motivates you to be involved in biosecurity?
What has been your career path to your current position?
What makes up a normal day for you?
What do you enjoy the most about your job?